Root Canals

Root canal therapy is a pain-relieving and tooth-saving procedure. Additionally, today’s technologies mean straightforward treatment that is far easier than in the past. Your dentist relies on skill and the latest innovations to clear away your root infection quickly, relieve your discomfort, and restore your tooth to health. It really is that simple.

Signs Of A Root Infection

Sometimes a root canal has no symptoms, especially if the infection is only emerging or the nerves in your tooth are not conducive. Our dentist looks for signs of root canal infection during a routine dental exam and treats the tooth before pain sets in.

Most of the time, however, you’ll experience the following symptoms:

  • Ongoing toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Swelling or a blister on the gum

We recommend consulting your dentist sooner rather than later. A mild toothache or sensitivity can graduate to excruciating pain with little warning. When this happens, we consider it a dental emergency.  

Modern Root Canal Therapy Is Simple & Effective!

If you need root canal therapy in Seattle, WA, it means you have an infection deep in your tooth. Treatment requires removing the infected tissue and pulp to restore your tooth to health.

Your dentist gently numbs the treatment area, makes a small hole in your tooth, and extracts the infection. During this process, you will not feel pain, but you may notice pressure. Most patients report immediate relief following therapy. Your dentist then closes your tooth with a natural-looking dental filling.

After your anesthesia wears off, you may notice mild discomfort. Your dentist can recommend a store-bought pain reliever to remedy this situation. Typically, discomfort only lasts for a day or two.

When you come back to our dental office—within two weeks—your dentist closes your tooth with a permanent filling or a dental crown. The latter if the infection has rendered your tooth weak and susceptible to breakage.

It’s important to remember that a root canal saves your tooth from extraction and prevents the spread of infection.

Lowering Your Risks For Infection

Preventive dentistry is the best way to lower your risks for root infections, cavities, and periodontal disease. Typically, it would be best to visit your dentist twice yearly for an exam and teeth cleaning unless you have a diagnosed dental condition, which can mean a more customized treatment schedule. The dental exam helps your dentist find emerging problems. And your teeth cleaning gets rid of the bacteria that cause oral health complications.

Brushing and flossing twice daily is also crucial when it comes to prevention. And if you compete in contact sports, you should always wear the proper face gear or mouthguard—a root infection can sometimes result from an injury to your tooth.

How Much Does Root Canal Therapy Cost?

The cost of your procedure depends on the tooth we are treating. Typically, your back teeth have more channels to be treated and require a larger restoration. If you have dental insurance, then at least a portion of your root canal therapy will be covered. Most dental insurance plans cover 50% – 80% of the costs post-deductible. For patients with Delta Dental benefits, we are proud to be an in-network provider. Your treatment will include all appointments and necessary x-rays, but it is important to remember each insurance plan is different. We can work together to help minimize your out-of-pocket expenses and maximize your benefits.

If you have any concerns about paying for your treatment, we encourage you to talk to a team member and share your concerns. We will be happy to help you find a way to receive the care your dental health needs.

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