All You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

couple with perfect teeth in Seattle, WA

When you look in the mirror and smile, do you envision a brighter cosmetic dental appearance? Over time, our teeth go through quite a bit of wear and tear, and over the years, you may notice staining, darkening, or yellowing. Even with regular brushing and flossing, patients may still experience stained teeth. If this sounds like you, what can you do about it? 

Professional Teeth Whitening in Seattle, Washington

At Phinney Ridge Dental, we want the most for our patient’s smiles! So we offer professional teeth whitening services to brighten our patients’ smiles and reflect their hard work at keeping their teeth clean. We offer two different and highly effective tooth-whitening options depending on each patient’s preference.

  • In-office professional teeth whitening at our 98103 dental office: Patients can visit our office for a teeth whitening appointment. Our cosmetic dental staff applies a whitening gel in 20-minute intervals, delivering an amazingly radiant smile!
  • Take-home whitening kits: Those wishing to whiten their teeth on their own time can achieve fantastic results from the comfort of their own homes. We create custom trays and prescription-strenth whitening gel for you to take home. Our staff provides a custom timeline for when patients should wear their trays to get their smiles exactly how they’d like them.

Getting the Most Out of Your Teeth Whitening Procedure

Patients can prolong their results with regular brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. Avoidance of the following foods and substances can also help.

  • Tobacco products
  • Coffee and tea 
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries 
  • Sticky, hard foods (like candy)

Contact Our Dental Office in Seattle, Washington

So, if you have aspirations for your smile, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly staff! We can evaluate your smile and provide treatments to create an optimal cosmetic appearance! Interested patients can call us at (206) 782-8370 or book online to get started!

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